On my quiet little street stands a beautiful magnolia tree. The woman who planted this tree is now in her 90's, and I recently had the privilege of meeting her. Her love for that sweet magnolia tree is as big as mine. In our brief encounter, she explained that she waited a long time to see the first flower bloom - 7 years.
Every year this sweet magnolia tree yields gorgeous blooms for about a month in the summer. One particular morning this past June, I sat at my breakfast nook and looked out my window upon the image that I captured in this photograph. The stark white blossom against the threatening grey sky took my breath away. Often amid life’s challenges, beauty can be found in ways we never imagined.
There are times when I would really like for life's challenges to hurry up and go away. Especially when they seem to come one after the other. I often must remind myself of the promise in Isaiah,
'But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Beauty is found in renewed strength. Sometimes we need that to be equipped for the next part of our life's journey. I certainly needed it when I went through my divorce. Every morning I would search through my email for the daily Girlfriends in God devotion. It anchored me and gave me comfort as I read His word and the writer's beautiful, encouraging words. Often it felt like she was writing to me. My daily blessing got me through some of the most challenging times in that 3-year journey.
The first bloom that came after those three years ended came in the form of a brand-new church community. A community that welcomed me and all my brokenness. I found kindness and understanding in Martha, my pastor's wife. Over tea, she gracefully shared her struggles and triumphs, gave me the courage to face the challenging days ahead as a single mum. Her faith helped build mine. It is Martha who inspired me to move halfway across the island so that I could send my children to a small Christian school that I could afford.
There are more blooms that I would love to tell you about. But those I will save for my future posts.
My friend, wait on Him, use the precious gift of time to pray, quiet your heart, and leave it open to His amazing love and kindness. Love that strengthens us for this journey we call life.
Heavenly Father, our faith journey is not always smooth sailing. When the waves of struggle come upon us, remind us that you are there in the boat too. Help us remember that you are our constant companion who will not leave us exhausted and weary but strengthened and empowered for life's journey. You are an amazing Father; we cherish your love and thank you for grace.