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Is It You?


November 7, 2020

It was one of those mornings! You know, when the computer doesn't cooperate, and you can feel precious productive time being wasted. As I booted up my laptop, the pretty picture of the day flashed on my screen. Ahhh! A beautiful view of the Oregon coast took up the entire Home Screen. Then the little eye showed up and started to search for me. It explored and searched. And I sat still looking at the camera with my reading glasses perched on my nose. Good grief, "Can't this go any quicker," I said. Then finally, it gave up searching and instead informed me, 'Couldn't recognize you. Please sign in with your PIN.'

What do you mean you couldn't recognize me! I'm the same person I was yesterday. Same face, same glasses. In that most frustrating moment, a thought came into my mind. Am I really the same person that I was yesterday?

You see, every morning, I sit and read God's Word and my devotional. There are some mornings where the Word leaps off the page, and tears flood my eyes. His words flood my heart, and I soak in the truths that are written on the page. It's at that moment that I know I'm getting rooted and grounded in Him. He is growing me in ways that I did not think I needed to grow. He is changing me!

I find that when my self-reliance starts to creep into my life, God's Word, which I may have read many times before, takes on new meaning. His word breaths new life into me. I battle with self-reliance daily, so hiding his truths in my heart is really important. Like this one from 2 Corinthians 3:4 -

'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God." NKJ

So with each new day and each special moment of devotion to Him, I am becoming someone different. On the outside, I still look the same, but I become who God wants me to be on the inside. More like Jesus.

So the next time my computer tells me that it doesn't recognize me, I know it will bring a smile to my face as I know deep in my heart that the love of Christ changes me every day.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word. Thank you that you know what we need even before we ask for it in prayer. You love us so much and speak to us through your Word. May we have ears to hear and eyes to see you in everyday things.

You are the same as you were yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and we know we can count on you for all things and in all circumstances. Grow our roots deeper into you, Lord.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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