July 19, 2020
One of my favorite passages in Galatians is found in Chapter 5. Part of this passage is about living life by the Spirit. And when we do, our life produces terrific fruit. For someone who loves all things citrus and berry, this passage reminds me of how our lives do not produce what is good when we give in to what the world says we should do or how we should be.
17 ‘For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other...’ NIV
Personally, I do not like conflict. Conflict is a hard space to be in. I find that it is here that I pray more than any other time. Calling on the grace of God centers me, and it is only then that the fruits of the Spirit flow from my heart. If I try to draw on anything else, things do not end well.
22 ‘...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.’
When we are gentle with our responses to those we conflict with, we have a better chance of things not escalating. It also seems that when we lean on the Spirit in moments like these, we often see not one, but many of the fruits appear.
Lord, may your fruits abound from my heart. Please remind me to take a moment and pray when the pull of the world is too much. And in those moments where my desires take over, forgive me. And may I know deep in my heart that your love will always fill me like nothing of this world.
In Jesus’ name, amen.